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Home Medicines Review (HMR) / Domiciliary Medication Management Review (DMMR)


Across Australia, 250,000 hospital admissions occur annually due to adverse drug events. These range from 5.6% in the general population to 30.4% in the vulnerable elderly population. Studies have also demonstrated that patient compliance in regard to their prescribed medication appears to be as low as 50-60%.

As such the Australian Home Medicines Review service was launched in 2001 to address this prevalent issue within our community. This highly beneficial but yet substantially underutilised Home Medicines Review, has the aim of reducing health adversities that arise in our nation due to inappropriate medication use.

Specifically, via the collaboration with an Accredited Pharmacist whom is conducting the Home Medicine Review and the General Practitioner, the patient is assisted to better understand their medications and subsequently utilise them in a safe, effective and appropriate manner. Furthermore, this greatly improves the patient's quality of life, as well as provides medication information to yourself and the General Practitioner, to enable an enhanced patient-centric approach.

Your Role


Receive organised lists of eligible patients requiring home medicines review from our network.


Conduct the patient interview, clinical assessment and formulate an initial HMR report


Claim initial HMR Service ($222.77)


Forward the report to our network to be transferred to the referring General Practitioner.


Receive a medication management plan via our network from the referring General Practitioner.


Your Dilemma, Our Solution

Across Australia, General Practitioners referring their suitable patients for a Home Medicines Review has been occurring at an increasing frequency, with studies demonstrating its impactful role in improving patient health outcomes and reducing hospitalisations.

However, previously the dilemma faced by Accredited Pharmacists was of inaccessibility to General Practitioners to gain sufficient HMR referrals each month to enable a reliable and consistent workflow to facilitate 30 home medicine reviews per month.

Acknowledging this dilemma, DMMR Australia's role is to ensure a seamless and frictionless process to ensure Accredited Pharmacists are able to utilise their expertise to ensure patients are enhancing their health literacy, medication adherence and are being assessed in a timely manner.

This enables you, the Accredited Pharmacist, to fully implement your knowledge and expertise by utilising the full capacity of home medicines reviews each month to improve patients health outcomes whilst knowing that your time and efforts in conducting a home medicines review will be remunerated appropriately.

Our Role


Deliver you a list of referred eligible patients requiring home medicines review.


Contact your patients to organise a time for the HMR interview to suit your schedule.


Receive your HMR report and forward it to the referring General Practitioner.


Forward you the medication management plan from the General Practitioner to ensure you are informed of your positive impact upon your patients healthcare.

Our Community

Accredited Pharmacists collaborating with General Practitioners assists in addressing the prevalent health adversities in our community, and contributes to creating a healthier society with reduced hospital admissions, benefitting health care professionals, patients and our healthcare system.